Sahaja Yoga Singapore

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Society is a registered non-profit society in Singapore. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is unique as it teaches the proper way to use the inner energy within us, to bring balance to our lives. All classes are taught free of charge.

About the Founder

Sahaja Yoga Meditation was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. Born in 1923 in India, she showed from a young age that she cared about people, and used to contemplate how to help people overcome their problems. Stories abound amongst her family members about the love and compassion young Nirmala displayed to those around her.

She was intensely patriotic, and fought for the independence of India from the British. She would accompany her parents when they visited Mahatma Gandhi’s Ashram, and used to listen to his thoughts on truth and non-violence, sharing with him her views too. At the age of 19, she actively participated in Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India Movement in 1942, and was even imprisoned. The impending Partition of India caused her to give up her medical studies.

Her marriage to Mr. Chandrika Prasad Srivastava in 1947, one of India's most dedicated civil servant officers, and later the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization from 1974 – 1989, marked the beginning of her life as a wife and mother of 2 daughters.

Shri Mataji had always felt that she had a unique calling to help mankind. In her extensive travels she witnessed human beings going through pain and suffering, and one day in 1970 as she meditated on a beach in Nargol, India, she discovered a unique method to awaken the inner energy en masse amongst all human beings. She called this “Self-realization”, where a human being gradually starts to realize his or her true self.

This was the start of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, which today has grown and is practised in over 100 countries the world over.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi dedicated her life to the upliftment of mankind by travelling all over the world teaching Sahaja Yoga Meditation and giving people the chance to achieve their Self-realization. She gave numerous public lectures and interviews over a period of 41 years, and never charged any money or took any fee for enabling a person to achieve their Self-realization because according to her, we cannot pay money for something that is innately within us.

With her words of wisdom “You cannot know the meaning of life until you are connected to the power that created you.", she taught us that our inner being holds all the answers to our existence.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has been recognized and has received numerous awards and recognition of her selfless work for humanity, some of which are:

  • Italy, 1986 - Declared "Personality of the Year" by the Italian Government
  • New York, 1990-1994 - Invited by the United Nations for four consecutive years to speak about means to achieve world peace
  • St. Peterburg, Russia, 1993 - Appointed as honorary member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Art and Science
  • Romania, 1995 - Awarded honorary doctorate in cognitive science by the Ecological University Bucharest
  • China, 1995 - Official guest of the Chinese Government to speak at the United Nations International Women's Conference
  • Pune, India, 1996 - On the occasion of the 700th Anniversary of Saint Gyaneshwara, she addressed the "World Philosophers Meet '96 - A Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy" at Maharashtra Institute of Technology
  • London, 1997 - Claes Nobel, grandnephew of Alfred Nobel, chairman of United Earth, honoured her life and work in a public speech at the Royal Albert Hall
  • Cabella Ligure, Italy, 2006 - She was awarded honorary Italian citizenship