Sahaja Yoga meditation is a state of being in the present moment, where our thoughts cease.
Sahaja Yoga meditation repairs our physical being, steadies our emotions and improves our mental health. Our bodies, emotions and mind settle into a balanced state. When we are in balance, we learn how to listen to and obey our inner wisdom.
You may meditate for 5 to 10 minutes, preferably once in the morning as you start your day, and in the late evening as you end your day.
It is good if you can meditate in a quiet area, sitting comfortably either on a chair or on the floor according to your preference.
No lifestyle changes are necessary with Sahaja Yoga meditation. As our body, emotions and mind heal, our lifestyle will adjust naturally, and unwanted things will just fall away.
All Sahaja Yoga meditation classes are taught free of charge. Simply register to join any class.